Last night, while cutting a freshly made meatloaf, Jason cut his finger. After a few expletives and a blood trail around the kitchen, Jason finally put his finger over the sink. I proceeded to run water over it to determine the extent of the cut made by our new sharp knives (thanks Aunt Jack!). It was deep, but not really deep enough to warrant a trip to Urgent Care. After Jason held pressure for several minutes and I wiped up the trail of blood on the floor (and on the dishwasher and the calendar) it finally seemed to be clotting. Then, I created a very impressive bandage for his fingertip utilizing my nursing knowledge(see above pic). It was probably a little much for the size of the cut, but hey...why not play it up? This morning it is looking much better. Being a nurse has made me a little bit hardened and slightly non-sympathetic. There was no "Oh honey, I'm so sorry about your finger." There was "buck up and hold some pressure on that sucker." This could be a bad sign for our future children...they will not be staying home from school for a fake illness.
On a happier, less gruesome note:
My aunts and grandma sent me a beautiful bunch of gerber daisies in honor of passing my nursing boards. I love them! My family and friends were definitely troopers during the whole nursing school process. Yes, I know, sometimes I was a little bit psycho. Thanks for loving me anyway!